Release Notes - Sonar - Version 2.3
- [SONAR-343] - When a rule is removed from the repository, it should be remove from the DB as well
- [SONAR-440] - Warning when some rules are not imported from a checkstyle and/or PMD configuration file(s)
- [SONAR-942] - Export rules configuration fails when quality profile name contains the '.' character
- [SONAR-1073] - Column "RULE_FAILURES"."MESSAGE" is too short (maximum : 500)
- [SONAR-1137] - When no rule engine exist on a language, all other rules are shown on the screen
- [SONAR-1315] - Automatically filter Findbugs violations and Code coverage metrics on classes without sources
- [SONAR-1342] - The pluginKey associated to an active rule can be wrong
- [SONAR-1480] - No way to export Findbugs rules in a XML file and then to reimport this file to create a new Quality profile
- [SONAR-1549] - The Sonar profile creation form doesn't allow to import checkstyle,pmd and Findbugs conf files when several langages are defined
- [SONAR-1637] - Getting "Java inner classes are not supported" Sonar error when analyzing Cobertura report
- [SONAR-1638] - Warning while parsing enums
- [SONAR-1644] - A protected method from a class A which is only used by classes extended A are badly considered as dead code.
- [SONAR-1654] - Export rules in rules engine exports everything (Java, PHP, VB...) when you select any in plugins
- [SONAR-1666] - Some Findbugs violations are missing in the Sonar web interface
- [SONAR-1685] - The maven plugin fails if the property ends with a slash
- [SONAR-1687] - Filters fail when three criteria are defined
- [SONAR-1689] - Sorting on alerts does not work anymore
- [SONAR-1693] - Server-side extensions can not use external dependencies
- [SONAR-1697] - XML default property values are not correctly displayed in the Settings pages
- [SONAR-1702] - NoClassDefFoundError when using sonar-ws-client with Commons HttpClient 4.0
- [SONAR-1712] - Fail to delete a filter if embedded database
- [SONAR-1715] - Web Services Java Client lib : socket timeout not set
- [SONAR-1721] - Checkstyle violation is reported for MethodParamPad since Sonar seems to be missing option in rule
- [SONAR-1727] - Warning when aggregating empty distributions
- [SONAR-1736] - Description of the Checkstyle "Visibility Modifier" rule is error prone
- [SONAR-1738] - NPE in EmbeddedDatabaseFactorywhen using JNDI datasource
- [SONAR-1751] - The method org.sonar.gwt.Utils.getPageWidth() returns 0 in IE6
- [SONAR-1753] - Time Machine chart is not secured
- [SONAR-1758] - Unit test EventUnmarshallerTest on ws-client module can fail according to the timezone of the machine
- [SONAR-1767] - Violations do not show when using id instead of kee in violation drilldown to reference rule
- [SONAR-1768] - Import of Checkstyle configuration with "message" element fails
- [SONAR-1774] - AbstractTokenizer does not add token entries
- [SONAR-1793] - Wrong URL construction in ViolationQuery, when depth parameter used
- [SONAR-1802] - Can't import FindBugs profile when some rules are duplicated in the findbugs.xml configuration file
- [SONAR-1805] - The PMD rule CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable is badly configured in the Sonar Way quality profile (and so not activated in this default profile)
- [SONAR-1812] - The declaration @BelongsTo(classes=GeneratesViolations.class) does not work
- [SONAR-1813] - If the method DecoratorContext.getViolations() is called by a decorator before the ViolationsDecorator, all violations saved between those two decorators are lost
- [SONAR-1833] - treemap ignores fractional part of metrics
- [SONAR-1843] - The webservice /api/properties fails when requested format is XML
- [SONAR-236] - Checkstyle implementation only allows one check per Checkstyle class
- [SONAR-555] - Permalink on Time Machine charts
- [SONAR-736] - Reuse findbugs reports
- [SONAR-964] - Multiple Regexp hard to distinguish
- [SONAR-990] - Add an option to activate/deactivate all the selected rules of the profile admin console
- [SONAR-1024] - Improve the rules search engine by displaying the number of results for not selected rule level (Inactive rule)
- [SONAR-1290] - Improve SQL requests on the Q profiles page
- [SONAR-1328] - Ability to personalize the CheckStyle SuppressionCommentFilter and SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter modules
- [SONAR-1404] - Allow to rename quality profile
- [SONAR-1534] - Activation of all the default FindBugs rules
- [SONAR-1557] - Findbugs should not analyzed *.jar files stored in the target/classes directory
- [SONAR-1607] - Missing FindBugs rules
- [SONAR-1634] - Defining a new metric with existing key results in confusing message
- [SONAR-1641] - Exclude certain member variables (esp. logger instances) from the LCOM4 calculation
- [SONAR-1665] - Upgrade to Commons DBCP 2.3
- [SONAR-1669] - Add info about JDBC driver in the System Info page
- [SONAR-1670] - Upgrade the MySql driver from version 5.1.6 to 5.1.13
- [SONAR-1674] - Log user agent in Jetty logs
- [SONAR-1698] - Remove the "Translation" Checkstyle rule as it works only on property files
- [SONAR-1701] - API: search profile rules by config key
- [SONAR-1706] - Depreciate sonar.reuseExistingRulesConfiguration
- [SONAR-1745] - Add URL parameters to time machine charts
- [SONAR-1747] - Add the ability to instantiate a new KeywordColorizer with a regular expression
- [SONAR-1749] - MavenPlugin api, offer way to build nested xml-elements
- [SONAR-1757] - Improve the error log message when a "javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException" is thrown
- [SONAR-1761] - Missing example in the ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod PMD rule description
- [SONAR-1763] - Optional generation of the Checkstyle XML report
- [SONAR-1776] - Add a page "Permalinks" to the profile console
- [SONAR-1778] - Missing description for some system plugins
- [SONAR-1780] - An exception should be thrown in case when two Sonar plugins try to use the same key
- [SONAR-1781] - The use of org.sonar.api.batch.AbstractSourceImporter is error prone when importing Unit Test source code
- [SONAR-1798] - Ability to register a number of points to a rule violation
- [SONAR-1814] - New extension point : factory of extensions
- [SONAR-1822] - Add the property 'sonar.skipTendencies' to skip calculation of measure tendencies
New Feature
- [SONAR-738] - Honor Checkstyle Suppressions XML Document
- [SONAR-1229] - Export/Import a given Sonar quality profile
- [SONAR-1709] - Add static resources to plugins
- [SONAR-1766] - Create a new PMD XPath rule and let user duplicate this rule as often as necessary
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